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Television remains television and Internet remains Internet

Today’s technology offers customers a variety of options for their own entertainment. The combination of internet and television, both of which can be obtained from one provider, is particularly popular these days. The internet is fed directly into a receiver via the power cable. A legitimate question is: why all this? Wouldn’t it make much more sense to separate the providers? Or should we not resist progress?

Why watch television over the Internet?

In the past, everything was clear: the Internet came from the telephone socket and could be used for surfing, and the picture for the television came from the cable socket. This required a contract with the cable provider, from which you could also buy various other services. Today, these boundaries are blurred. People no longer even necessarily use a television to receive television. They either have a receiver or watch directly on the Internet on their laptop – thanks to the many media libraries of the major broadcasters. But there are a few things that speak against this kind of use. From a purely technical point of view, it can lead to problems to have both Internet access and television from one connection. If the Internet fails, the television also fails. A combined connection is also in almost all cases more expensive than separating the lines.

Watch shows on TV – not on your laptop

The bad habit of doing without a television and only using a laptop to watch programs has also become widespread. However, the quality of the programs can never be as good as it would be on a television. So if you really want to combine the offers from the World Wide Web with your television, you should at least take advantage of one offer on kabelfernsehen.com. There is a good overview of the offers available today. This should make it easy to choose a suitable combination.

Anyone who combines the Internet with television is taking a technical risk on the one hand and benefiting from modern developments on the other. It is important – as is almost always the case – to find a good provider.