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Make your own store known

Finally being your own boss – that is the dream of many working people. If you dare to take this step of opening your own shop and the organizational side of things like a business plan, taking out a loan and choosing a location has been sorted out, you should also take care of advertising your company as early as possible, but definitely before the opening. Because a perfectly organized and fully furnished shop is of no use if there are no customers.

Get active online

Since the Internet is the number one mass medium these days, you should definitely take the first step and create a homepage. Nowadays, it is easier than ever to create your own web presence where you can offer potential customers and interested parties a point of contact with all the important information about the company. What is important here is a clear, visually appealing design that convinces the reader rather than putting them off.

As soon as you have created your own homepage, you should spread it on the World Wide Web. Social networks are ideal for making your homepage known. You can also send a circular email to family, friends and acquaintances with a friendly request to spread the word. There are also numerous online industry directories in which you can create a company entry for free – and you should do so.

Use the print area

The print media should definitely be included as a second medium. Especially in the beginning, it is advisable to place an ad in local daily or weekly newspapers at frequent intervals, perhaps even daily. Later, you can extend the frequency of publication. A prominent entry in the telephone or yellow pages directory is also very helpful.

Of course, the print sector also includes flyers and information brochures, which should be placed in appropriate places. It is best if the shop owner distributes the flyers himself. Nothing is more effective than a short, friendly chat in which potential customers can get to know the shop owner personally and get an idea of ​​the business. Such positive memories increase the likelihood that people will come to the shop later.

Opening party attracts customers

These advertising measures are even more effective if they are combined with an opening ceremony, which should be made public in the same way and, above all, well in advance. The ceremony itself should also not be boring. In addition to a champagne reception and small snacks, there may also be a band in your circle of friends who can provide a small donation to create a good atmosphere, or friends who can offer face painting or something similar. These mood-setters should be organized and made public well in advance so that they can attract people.