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Financial transactions on the Internet – How do I recognize charlatans and fraud?

Trust in your own bank is of course just as important when doing business on the Internet as it is in real life. In recent years, we have repeatedly read about problems involving fraudsters in the financial sector that have cost investors several thousand euros. However, no one should let such news stop them from trading on the Internet. Most fraudsters are easy to spot – but not every news item on the Internet is true.

Step 1: How do I recognize mirrored pages?

The most popular trick used by fraudsters in online banking has to do with mirroring pages. Customers are directed to a page that looks exactly like the real website via an email or a Trojan. How is a customer supposed to discover such a scam on their own? On the one hand, there should be no changes to the login process. Asking for PIN numbers or similar things is highly dubious. In addition, real banks often have certificates that can also be displayed in the browser. Looking at the URL in the browser can also help – but should not be the only step in checking the seriousness.

Step 2: Which offers are dubious?

When looking for the best provider, you should be careful of false promises. Interest rates that are beyond normal or very special promises should always be viewed with skepticism. Reputable providers have explanations for their services and will rarely offer services that would cause any normal investor to be suspicious. However, there are many reports online about dubious providers. Banc de Swiss had such a problem – but a magazine and many testers have proven the opposite.

Step 3: Who can I contact if I have problems?

If you want to be sure when looking for a provider, you should seek out an expert for independent advice. Together with the expert, you can check whether the relevant providers operate within a reputable framework or whether there are known problems with the name. In the end, the advice ensures that everyone finds the right providers for financial transactions on the Internet. This means that worries about fraud or fraudsters on the Internet are now just a problem from the distant past.