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Booming markets

The Internet has grown from a small American research network into a global community. The possibilities are almost unlimited, and the advertising opportunities are by no means inferior. It is precisely the almost overwhelming presence of the Internet that makes it so powerful as an advertising medium.

Modern, targeted, mass compatible

If it were a question of describing the advantages of Internet advertising in one word, that word would have to be mass compatibility. The Internet is popular today with young and old, men and women, rich and poor, in short: everyone imaginable. This of course makes the Internet the ideal advertising platform, as it can be used to directly address every target group, from schoolchildren to pensioners.

But simply placing an ad on a website is not enough for effective advertising. The expertise required for this is bundled in the form of an internet agency. These agencies are focused on advertising on the internet and offer their customers all the options for optimizing their own marketing on the internet.

  1. This includes the conception, design, programming and maintenance of blogs, websites and other communication media used by the customer for advertising.
  2. These agencies also offer their customers the development of complete online-oriented marketing plans. These plans go beyond pure website design and extend into the areas of content management systems, online shops and even web controlling. This also includes the integration of external databases.

The employee: Still young, but still experienced

The staff in an internet agency are relatively similar: mostly between their mid-20s and early 30s, trained in a media or commercial profession, cosmopolitan, articulate, charismatic, mentally flexible. This mixture – which can also be found in more conventional advertising agencies – enables the agency to quickly identify customer requirements and implement them into a successful advertising concept. Thanks to their training and life experience, these employees often already have relationships with industry and trade themselves, and can therefore make contacts more easily. Finding internet agencies is not rocket science: whether you want to find an internet agency in Munich or an agency in Cologne, this newest branch of the advertising industry can now be found in many German cities.