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South Korean rapper Psy managed to create a real internet video hype in the middle of last year. Over a billion people worldwide clicked on his song “Gangnam Style” on the video platform YouTube. It was not until this huge number of clicks became known that companies became aware of the enormous traffic potential that… read more

For several years now, there have been computers equipped with a so-called SSD hard drive. The solid state disk has many advantages, although most users are primarily interested in the significantly higher data rate. The solid state drive does not have any mechanical components and is therefore very quiet, energy efficient and immune to vibrations…. read more

Your own website as the basis for success

Anyone who wants to be successful as an entrepreneur or with a company today cannot simply ignore what is probably the most important sales channel of the day. The Internet, as the most important medium, has already influenced all levels of society in their procedures and processes. The Internet has become a central point of… read more

Those who spend the whole day on the computer dealing with major problems in programming, administration and development often do not have the time to optimally meet the simple needs of their own organism: It is not for nothing that most IT people find nutritional questions rather annoying and simply solve them with liters of… read more

Those who want to actively increase their capital through the financial market usually invest in investments that are considered relatively safe and tend to be profitable in the long term. If that takes too long for you, you can become a speculator who can make decent profits in a relatively short time with binary options…. read more

Making transfers, setting up standing orders or topping up a check card: customers can now conveniently carry out almost all regular banking transactions online. You don’t even need a computer for this. In addition to the large number of professional programs that enable quick, easy and secure banking, a large number of apps are now… read more

Three steps to your own homepage

Having your own homepage is now considered good form, and not just for companies, media providers and authorities. More and more private individuals are also using the websites, which can be set up quickly and easily, to maintain blogs or create topic pages. But what steps are necessary to be able to run your own… read more