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Decide where you are going to put your pages. The main page should be named “index”. That is the page that shows up when you type in your domain address in the URL. Find out the details of your account with the web hosting company: your username, your password, the “host name” (the machine where… read more

Now that you have your website planning, articles  and site organization laid out, you need to put these information into actual web pages. So it’s time to start coding some html or you don’t!! Some of you may have tried coding HTML and succeeded some may have failed. Maybe you are tired of coding, or… read more

To plan your website you should first identify your intended audience; Define the purpose of your site Create a draft for each Web page Specify your start and end date how frequent you want to update your website select a host. Outcome from these step should be your Website Plan including: your intended audience (their… read more

A custom taxonomy was required for Locomotive types,these are categorized by wheel arrangement, for example 0-4-0 means there are four wheels with no leading or trailing axle. You can create custom taxonomies as either a plugin or in the themes functions.php file. the functions file was chosen here as the owner wanted the custom taxonomy… read more