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This tutorial shows how to clone a Git project from the Git repository and set it up to use Angular.js with node.js and Gulp automation, this asumes that the project uses this workflow and GIt and node are not installed on the local machine. 1) Install Git 2) install node.js 3) Open Gitbash and type… read more

Global fashion industry has reached to a height of excellence increasing importance of aesthetic qualities of things from apparel, footwear, shoulder bags to other fashion products. The trend is universal: both manufacturing and consumer economies are overwhelmed by the floods of fashion products. The revenue aspect of global fashion industry is equally eye-popping. Maybe almost… read more

Clearly, this article is for beginners. If you have already built a website, then you know the satisfaction of publishing it and then tweaking it. I am going to make one major assumption that you have figured out what type of content you intend to publish, but need to determine how to get started. This… read more